Personal Trainer Greenville SC
Personal Trainer Greenville SC


Greenville is located in the south eastern territory of the United States in the state of South Carolina, with a metropolitan population of 1 million people.


Welcome to the most comprehensive personal training platform in Greenville South Carolina USA.

Workout at any gym, whether it be at home, at work, your local public membership gym or a hotel gym while travelling.

All you need is equipment, your smart phone and the motivation and drive to follow instructions, take action and be consistent.

Achieve the results you desire by systematically working through the 4 e-courses over a period of 6 months, starting at beginner level and progressing through to advanced training and new levels of physical conditioning, strength and fitness.

It's your time now.


This system is specifically designed to simulate the 1 on 1 personal training experience and is based on decades of my own gym training and working with clients.

This allows you to train at your own gym in Greenville in your own time.

Get organised and structured coaching, daily mentoring and full video instruction.

This system will blow your socks off in terms of structure and results.

I am a highly experienced veteran and have been training in the gym for over 4 decades.


You prefer to be coached remotely, so that you can work out on your own terms at a time of day that suits you.

The cost of this program comes in at a fraction of what it would cost you for 1 on 1 personal training at your local gym in Greenville.

You understand that it is up to you to get down to the gym and follow exercise instructions on your smartphone, on training days.

You remain optimistic and positive with a 'can do' attitude and believe in yourself to get results.


Keeping an eye on your email inbox is imperative during the course of this program, as you will be receiving instructions on a daily and weekly basis over the full duration.

This enables you to stay in sequence and know your reference point, throughout the program.

Training days are on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for the opening beginner program.

Try your best to stay in stride and keep rolling from one week into the next.


Each program is progressive within itself and gets tougher every week.

In addition, each level is more advanced than the previous one.

If the program seems too easy at the start - just have fun with it and enjoy yourself as the physical demands will soon escalate.

All exercises are in video format and are performed by me in a live workout setting.

Watch them repeatedly and pay attention to the exercise form.


I will be sending messages several times per week and teaching you how to do your weekly reviews.

Over the duration, I will also be sending you information on how to improve your lifestyle, general health and wellbeing.

Go through this information at your leisure, which is specifically selected to complement this program.

There is something in there for everyone.

These will be the tools that you can refer back to in the future.


Progress systematically through the 4 levels of beginner, intermediate, intermediate + and advanced training over 6 months.


5 Weeks of Training

2 Week Break


4 Weeks of Training

2 Week Break


4 Weeks of Training

2 Week Break


6 Weeks of Training

Program end



Please read through the following important information, prior to the purchase or commencement of this program.

The following terms and conditions apply:


You are 18 years of age or older.

You are able bodied.

It is highly recommended that you undergo a full physical examination with a medical practitioner in Greenville prior to starting this program and receive a doctor's consent, prior to the commencement of any physical activities.

You understand that there are always health risks associated with physical activity, just as there are even greater health risks associated with no physical activity whatsoever.

It is up to you to moderate that balance with a view to minimizing body fat, maximizing lean body mass and achieving a reasonable level of health, fitness and muscle conditioning over the duration of this course.

You consult a medical professional at any stage that you feel your health may be compromised.

This applies to your current state of health and wellness, immediately prior to the commencement of this training program, during the program, any time after the completion of the program and any time in your future.

You are ultimately responsible for your own health and the decisions you make.


You will be needing a smart phone, a gym membership in Greenville and an internet connection during training sessions, to enable safe and effective exercise viewing.


You endeavour to follow the instructions implicitly.

This program is specifically designed to start you off very slowly, thus minimizing health risk, allowing gradual fitness, strength and conditioning progression over the duration of the 4 e-courses.


This program offers you the opportunity to reflect internally, to believe in yourself and your stance in life and to never step back for anyone else.

In addition, you will learn to be steadfast in self-discipline, irrespective of what others are saying and doing in their lives or how it may influence you.

It teaches you self-respect, by toughing it out through the individual sessions and the weekly schedule which in turn results in consistency and thus dramatic physical, mental, emotional and spiritual changes over time.

You will truly transform over the next 6 months.

I am looking forward to working with you, to ensure that YOU become the best online personal training student in the city of Greenville.