1. What is OPT?

Online personal training is the opposite of 1 on 1 personal training.

A remote coach if you will that uses his or her experience working as a 1 on 1 personal trainer and their own personal gym training experience to design and develop a digital instruction system, either by themselves or using 3rd party technical expertise.

Instruction and exercise demonstration is done via video and in many cases the trainer will offer face time consultations using a wide variety of face-to-face communication technology.

The cost of online personal training is considerably less than 1 on 1 personal training and allows you the freedom to select a coach that is based anywhere in the world.

This also opens up a much bigger pool of options for you the client.

Online personal training also provides the convenience of being able to train at any gym, at any time and to just simply follow instructions via your smart phone.

A trend that is developing some serious steam around the globe.

2. Online vs 1 on 1 PT?

Everybody would love to have a 1 on 1 personal trainer.

Whichever you prefer, male or female and someone who is attractive, has a rocking body and sets a great example and a physical presence that you aspire to.

Someone that hangs out at your local gym, is available to meet you at reception to welcome you when you arrive for your sessions and helps to motivate and navigate you through a busy gym and a myriad of equipment and exercise choices.

It starts out great, everyone is motivated, it's costing you a well justified fortune, you are fit, toned, confident and you are beaming and loving it.

And then reality sets in.

It becomes a bit boring, you become irritated with your trainer, you start missing sessions for a variety of reasons like traffic, late or early meetings, vacation time, budget constraints and so it goes on.

1 on 1 personal training is great to get you started and is great for a period of time when there is a twinkle in the eye and a handsome budget available.

This period normally last about 6 months.

By that time, you should have been paying attention and have learned how to put the pieces of a workout routine together.

At this stage it is time to go off and do it yourself and add in other forms of activity and exercise at the same time.

Alternatively, there is online personal training.

It's not better, it's just different and requires a different mind-set and a whole lot more self-motivation than 1 on 1 personal training.

Online personal training will cost you substantially less than 1 on 1 personal training and if you have the wherewithal and the motivation to follow written and video instructions via your smartphone, it could prove to be a great success.

By simply logging onto your phone, you can train at your home gym, a public membership gym, a corporate gym or even a hotel gym whilst on your travels.

Online personal training is all about following the sequence of exercises and concluding the sets and repetitions set out for that particular day and workout.

Once you are in a rhythm, it is amazing what can be achieved.

3. What does an OPT do?

An online personal trainer uses his or her experience of working as a 1 on 1 personal trainer for many years and combines it with a wide variety of technology to design and deliver instruction via your smartphone.

Remote coaching if you will as opposed to in person, thus allowing more people to ultimately afford the services of a personal trainer and enjoy the benefits of superior health and fitness.

Online personal training systems has been specifically designed, so that anyone who is considering hiring a personal trainer can follow a prescribed set of written and video instructions from their smart phone, no matter where they are located on planet earth.

The system starts each and every client off very slowly through a 5-week beginner program and progresses systematically through a 4-week intermediate program, a 4-week intermediate plus program and finishes off with a spell binding 6-week advanced training program.

Each program has a specific set and sequence of exercises, with full video demonstration and more advanced instructions every week.

Each of these programs has a 2-week rest and recovery period in between, to maximize the effectiveness of the overall system.

In addition, there is also the option of face-to-face online consultations with your trainer, so as to iron out any misunderstandings or to just have a general meet and greet and Q and A session.

4. Why hire an OPT?

The thought of hiring a personal trainer normally starts because you may be experiencing a lack of motivation or enthusiasm to exercise, feeling swamped or overwhelmed with other responsibilities in life, feelings of guilt because you are struggling to allocate quality time to the things and people you care about in your life.

Maybe you have let yourself go and you are just plain disgusted for neglecting your health and fitness for so long.

If you are a very busy person that also moves around a lot during the day, week or month then online personal training is the right decision.

Going the 1 on 1 route is not going to work out very well for you because these types of trainers run their business on an appointment basis and depend on clients making each and every session on time, every time in order to get results and to produce consistent income.

Cancelled or rescheduled sessions are a personal trainer's worst nightmare, because of lost income for the trainer and inconsistent or poor results for you the client.

Online personal training still requires self-discipline and routine, but it gives you the flexibility to train at any time of day when it suits you and at any location.

This could be at your home gym, a corporate gym, a hotel gym or any membership gym wherever you may be on the planet.

All of this while you follow video instructions via your smartphone.

And last but not least, online personal training will ultimately cost you a lot less over the long run.

5. Why OPT?

Online personal training opens up a whole new market of potential customers, by providing more people the opportunity to receive coaching in a more independent and cost-effective way.

You can train at any gym, wherever it may be located on the planet and receive video instruction, mentoring, coaching and exercise demonstration easily and via your smart phone.

6. Why OPT is better?

We live in a fast-paced world where it is becoming increasingly difficult to make ongoing appointments with a 1 on 1 personal trainer at a specific time and location.

Online personal training allows you to train at your own gym in your own time and still get the coaching and direction you need to get results.

This becomes more cost effective than 1 on 1 coaching and allows you to follow instructions on your smart phone, as well as having face to face consultations with your trainer, wherever he or she may be located around the world.

7. Is OPT effective?

Online personal training systems prides itself on structure.

The system is specifically designed to take each and every client by the hand and guide them through the treacherous waters of making sense of the structure and effectiveness of individual exercises and a full workout.

It is specifically designed to simulate what it would be like if you were hiring a 1 on 1 personal trainer.

The average time that a client remains with a 1 on 1 personal trainer is about 6 months and this program is designed to simulate this as a more cost-effective option, with similar levels of effectiveness.

Results and gratification come from stringing individual exercises together into individual workouts, which then results in a full week of individual workouts, which then becomes several weeks of workouts strung together, which then produces the result of completing an entire course.

This in turn then becomes 2 courses, 3 courses and 4 courses and eventually 6 months of structure, coaching, mentoring, training and results.

And this in turn provides the foundation on which to keep building year in and year out, which then becomes a lifestyle.

8. Is OPT worth it?

Yes absolutely.

Online personal training systems offers a 6-month comprehensive online personal training service at a one-time cost of $600 (US Dollar).

The system comprises 4 e-courses and if you break that down equally, it equates to $150 per course or $100 per month.

You will be hard pressed to find a 1 on 1 personal trainer willing to work for these rates.

The first course lasts 5 weeks, the second and third courses last 4 weeks each and the last course lasts 6 weeks, which equates to 19 training weeks in total at a cost of $31.58 per week.

This enables you to be coached and mentored via your smart phone for a full 6 months and to achieve some exceptional results.

9. Best results from OPT?

The first result is mental, because you have made the decision that online personal training is more suitable for you, compared to 1 on 1 training.

You have now selected the best online personal training system on the planet.

You have made the decision to become a gym member whether it be in your local town or city, or a regional or national membership, in the event of travelling.

In addition, you have also made the decision to discipline yourself to use a home, corporate or hotel gym, if need be and when required to maintain that weekly rhythm of training.

When you start training in the beginning, you may feel a bit out of sorts and sore but as time passes with consistency, you will feel fitter and stronger with a big boost in confidence from about week 3 onwards.

As you start paying more and more attention to your nutrition habits and progressing through the gears of the four e-courses, you will feel and look leaner, fitter, stronger and more muscular.

As the course approaches the end, you will have developed the skills to master a wide variety of exercises and know how to put a workout together and inter-change exercises as you see fit.

Thus, achieving the ultimate goal of becoming independent and confident and having achieved your best physique results ever.

10. Costs of OPT?

Online personal training systems will cost you $600 for 6 months of coaching.

This is an up-front and one-off cost.

Broken down, that equates to $100 per month.

Online personal training systems comprises 4 e-courses.

Divided equally, each of those courses will cost $150.

In addition, the entire course comprises 19 weeks of actual training which equates to $31.58 per week.

Each week of training has 4 workouts, which equates to $7.89 per workout.

Coming from a trainer that has over 40 years of experience in bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, 1 on 1 personal training, sports massage and online personal training, I would say that is one hell of a cost-effective program.